decontev–Observer is a Nagios-Client, a Nagios-Frontend for Windows and Linux which can visualize monitoring results provided by one or more Nagios-Servers in a comfortable graphical user interface (GUI).
The following Quick-Guide will show you in a few simple steps how decontev-Observer has to be configured to visualize the monitoring-result of a Nagios-Service.
Operating System
Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022
a running Nagios-Server
configured and running Host(s) and Service(s) on the Nagios-Server
1. Setup Nagios-Server Connection
(1) open main-setting dialog
(2) select ‘Nagios-Server’ in the tree
(3) click button ‘add Server’
(4) enter the Nagios-Server URL as well as the appropriate credentials
(5) test the Nagios-Server connection
setup Nagios-Server connection
2. Agent Configuration (1) assignment of Nagios-Server and Host
(1) select a Monitoring-Agent
(2) click button ‘Configuration’
(3) select ‘Nagios Monitoring – General’ in the tree
(4) select the Nagios-Server from the list
(5) click to get a list of hosts for the selected Nagios-Server
(5) select a host from the list
assignment of Nagios-Server and Host
3. Agent Configuration (2) assign Host-Service(s)
(1) select ‘Nagios Monitoring – Templates’ in the tree
(2) select a template and click button ‘Edit’
(3) setup a name and a shortname for the monitoring-template and click the button ‘Add Service’
(4) click to get a list of services for the selected Host