IP-Proxy is a small command-line tool running under Windows and Linux. The tool provides one ore more receivers on one leg and one or more senders on the other leg. It can be used to implement message traffic between different protocols and/or different applications. IP-Proxy supports following protocols and applications both on receiver- and sender-side:
IP-Sniffer is a small command line tool that captures the IP traffic for a given network adapter. The tool is available for Windows and Linux systems. By using of protocol-, IP-address- and/or IP-port-filters a very special IP-traffic can be captured. An integrated Interprocess-Communication (IPC) client allows forwarding the filtered IP-traffic to other applications which run on the same system, e.g. the decontev IP-Proxy tool. (btw. IP-Proxy can be used to then forward this data to remote sites.) Additionally it can be set whether only the payload data or the entire IP-Frame shall be forwarded. Several filters can be defined and activated at the same time and for each of these filters a separate IPC channel can be opened. For easier and fast definition of filters an own configuration tool is provided.
The Monitor-Manager has been developed especially to manage and control Virtual Monitors, comfortable and easily.
DeskPainter is a small tool for painting on a desktop, especially useful for demonstrations, online-meetings …
ASN.1 Decoder is a helpfully tool for decoding of binary data which are encoded according to ASN.1 basic encoding rules (BER). E.g. it can be used to decode SNMP messages.